ESDS acquires the India Patent for Vertical Auto-Scaling Cloud Technology - GADGET-INNOVATIONS

ESDS acquires the India Patent for Vertical Auto-Scaling Cloud Technology

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A breakthrough for the Indian IT Landscape, as ESDS acquires the India Patent for Vertical Auto-Scaling Cloud Technology



~After acquiring the US and UK Patent, ESDS expands its intellectual property portfolio with the India patent~


ESDS Software Solution Limited, an Indian Cloud Service Provider, has added another golden feather to its cap as it was granted the patent for an invention entitled - Method and System for Real-Time Detection of Resource Requirement and Automatic Adjustments. The patent is granted for the novelty of ESDS’s approach toward Vertical Auto-scalability in Cloud Computing

The company received the India patent on 26th May 2022 for the term of 20 years from the 16th day of August 2011 following the provisions of the Patents Act, 1970 for this novelty. The inventors of this patent are Mr. Piyush Somani and Mr. Rushikesh Jadhav. Formerly, ESDS’s patent for eNlight cloud suite, which is an in-house developed vertically auto scalable cloud technology, was acquired from the USA (US9176788B2 in 2015), as well as the UK (GB2493812B in 2017).

Traditionally horizontal scaling has been used by cloud service providers which had its limitations, especially the software license costs were duplicating every time the scaling happened. The approach proposed by ESDS is to introduce vertical auto-scaling in which the resources of a virtual machine in the cloud are adjusted in real-time. They are adjusted in response to the demand predicted by the machine learning algorithm based on historical resource data of that virtual machine. This removes the limitations of horizontal scaling and saves a lot on licensing costs.

This patent reassures the technology strength of ESDS in transforming the Cloud Computing landscape in India and globally. 

Monday, May 30th, 2022, India